Monday, June 16, 2008


Last Saturday night while eating out I almost choked to death. My son-in-law, sitting next to me, performed the Heimlich Maneuver, and saved me. My choking came about because of bites of food too large, not chewing enough, and talking with food in my mouth. This could happen to anyone--it happened to my sister--and I strongly recommend that you immediately learn the maneuver and practice on someone and on yoursellf. In the Mayo Clinic Family Health Book (3rd ed.), p. 344 it is stated: "Choking is caused by a blockage of the respiratory passage in the throat (larynx) or windpipe (trachea). The flow of air to the lungs is blocked. This in turn cuts off the circulation of oxygen-rich blood to the brain and other organs. If the problem isn't correct promptly, it can be fatal. Choking is often due to a large piece of inadequately chewed food that becomes lodged in the throat or windpipe. Solid foods such as meat are usually the cause. Often, people who are choking had been talking while chewing a large piece of meat." This aticle describes the Heimlich Maneuver. On the internet, the procedure can be found by going to Google, typing in Heimlich Maneuver, and Search, and click How to do . . An article on choking in the suggests that other techniques should be considered before applying Heimlich. But I say, if in doubt, apply Heimlich.
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