Monday, March 17, 2008


This is a very interesting article in Time Magazine. The Number 1 idea
is "Common Wealth"--our survival requires global solutions.
"The defining challenge of the 21st century will be to face the reality that humanity shares a common fate on a crowded planet. We have reached the beginning of the century with 6.6 billion people living in an interconnected global economy . . . Human beings fill every ecological niche on the planet . . . In some locations, societies have outstripped the carrying capacity of the land, resulting in chronic hunger, environmental degradation and a large-scale exodus of desperate populations. We are, in short, in one another's faces as never before, crowded into an interconnected society of global trade, migratiion, ideas and, yes, risk of pandemic diseases, terrorism, refugee movements and conflict." . . .
"Here are four bold but achievable goals for the U.S. and the rest of the world. (1) Sustainable systems of energy, land and resource use that avert the most dangerous trends of climate change, species extinctiion and destruction of ecosystems. (2) Stabilization of the world populatiion at 8 billion or below . . .(3) The end of extreme poverty . . .(4) A new approach to global problem-solving based on cooperation among nations and the dynamism and creativity of the nongovernmental sector."
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