Friday, April 25, 2008


This is the flag of Taiwan, officially called the Republic of China. Jaushieh Wu, the Taiwanese representative to the United States, recently spoke in Kansas City about the military threat to his country from China, officially called the People's Republic of China. Wu said that China currently has 1,300 short-rrange missiles pointed at Taiwan. In addition it has cruise missiles ready to launch, and Chinese boats and submarines circle waters around Taiwan. Wu also said that China is preventing free trade agreements by Taiwan with other countries. Taiwan would like to join world organizations like the United Nations and the World Health Organization but China is preventing it. United States has a vital interest in Taiwan because of the heavy trade between the two countries. Refreshing our recollections: Mao Zedong led the Communist Party of China to victory against the old regime, Kuomintang in what became known as the Chinese Civil War. Chiang Kai-shek, the leader of the old regime, moved the government to Taiwan in 1950.
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