Monday, April 7, 2008

Life on Mars ?

This is a picture of Mars, our neighbor planet, only 49 million miles away at times. According to a report on 60 Minutes last night, NASA is already taking preliminary steps towards sending humans to Mars (many years from now). Explorations have indicated that there has been water on the planet. And water is considered a necessity for life to exist. I don't know whether they will ever find life on Mars, but there is no doubt in my mind that there are millions of celestial bodies where life exists. There are billions of stars in our galaxy, the Milky Way, and there are billions of galaxies, each presumably with billions of stars. And around those other stars there must be planets or other celestial bodies like those that rotate around our star, the sun. We have no idea what planets or other bodies surround even our nearest star, Proxima Centauri, 25 million million miles, or 4.3 light years away. But there's gotta be life in some form on many of the billions of billions of celestial bodies. But I'm afraid that you and I will never know. And we might not even get to nearby Mars.
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